Joyful opportunities for children
to experience and demonstrate
the power and possibilities of language!
All our school offerings have one overarching goal...
To help your students Find Their Voice
and express themselves with confidence.
Performances - Mini-Residencies -Family Literacy Events
and Bilingual Programs

The Superpowers of The Storyteller!
Our Marquee Program for 2023-2024
Again...Our goal is to help your students find their voice and express themselves with confidence.
Our multi-year oral language development approach with the Bernalillo School District was recognized for as an Exemplary Program by
the New Mexico Public Education Department.
(A 15 minute video report is available upon request through a private link)
Whether we have an hour in an assembly or classroom, or several days for mini-workshops, we've designed our offerings so that students don't simply hear our stories or us talking about listening, speaking, remembering, imagining, and working creatively together...
They experience themselves doing all these things and have fun in the process.
Family Literacy Events
Involve and delight the whole family!
Literacy Night Performances
Plain old fashioned stories and fun for students and families. Everyone gets into the act during these truly participatory evenings.
Family Literacy Evening Workshops
Lively and engaging experiences help parents learn how to share the joy of children's books ,family stories, and outdoor exploration; paving the way for a lifelong love of books, reading and nature..

Bob and his Mom
Everyone Into The Act!
Our signature brand of participatory storytelling. Watch and listen as your students fly with the fairies, howl with coyotes and perform with the Off the Bookshelf and Into the World Band.
Story Salsa!
A bilingual celebration of tales from Latin lands, told with gusto! Check out Liz's Bilingual Storytelling page!
Environmental Tales -
Stories For A Small Planet
Everyday is Earth Day when Bob draws on his years as a Nature Center Director, artfully weaving together traditional stories and natural history in a program that encourages curiosity, wonder and respect for the earth.

A few testimonials
"Liz and Bob transformed classroom environments that were once quiet and subdued into learning environments filled with language and laughter."Bryan Garcia , Principal, Rio Rancho Schools
"Bob and Liz have been an integral part of the fabric of our school community. They have established deep and meaningful relationships with our students and staff and have helped us reach our goals of improving oral language development and our overall capacity around language development and literacy."
Michael Weinberg, Principal, Cochiti Elementary School
"Transformational! With their emphasis on collaboration they helped my students become a community. They involved even my most reluctant students in meaningful and compelling discourse. Most importantly, I saw my students become excited about learning!"
Mary Rafferty, New Futures High School, Albuquerque
The Voiceless Child
During her first four years of school, Sophie's teachers never heard her utter a single word in class. Then on the third day of our storytelling residency, Sophie picked up the Talking Stick, introduced herself and explained how her mother made tortillas. Her classmates instantly erupted in cheers and applause. The faculty lunch room was abuzz with the news. A young French film student heard the story and created this video- The Voiceless Child.
"The best way to squeeze the wine out of good fortune
is to dance on it with ready feet!"
Get in touch today to reserve a program or for more information. We're easy to talk to and to plan with!