Adventure Begins At Your Library! (CSLP)
Read, Renew, Repeat! (IREAD)
Wow! What Perfect Themes
for the Tales & Trails Storytellers!

Booking for 2024
We know that you have many great choices for your programs.
So this is what we think is most important for you to know about us.
We've been crisscrossing the country for many years,
receiving rave reviews for our signature style of participatory storytelling.
This Year’s CLSP Adventure Theme and IRead Recylce theme are
perfectly suited to our backgrounds, passion and strengths.
We’ll tell you more on the library details page.
You can book our programs with confidence that your patrons of all ages
are going to have a great storytelling experience!

Learn more about our 2024 programs
Please note that all programs featured on the Library Details page are available on request, Have a particular theme in mind for a program? We often can create just what your are hoping for. Don’t hesitate to ask!
We'd love to hear from you.
We're easy to talk with
We're easy to plan with!
The Voiceless Child
we share this short video that was inspired by our work in a California school district.
During her first four years of school, Sophie's teachers never heard her utter a single word in class. Then on the third day of our storytelling residency, Sophie picked up the Talking Stick, introduced herself and explained how her mother made tortillas. Her classmates instantly erupted in cheers and applause The faculty lunch room and even the local cafe was abuzz with the news. A young French film student heard the story and created this video- The Voiceless Child.

This testimonial speaks to what we aim for!
"Liz and Bob enthralled a packed room of preschoolers, school age kids, parents, and teachers and kept all ages entertained at once – an amazing feat. Their delightful combination of fun personalities, participatory folktales and foot stomping music culminated with the audience becoming the band! One of our all time favorite programs!” (Lincoln MA Public Library)